Saturday, 14 August 2010

Sun King

In 1986, in the wake of their successful album "Love", British rock band The Cult performed at the Pinkpop festival in Geleen in the south of The Netherlands, near to where I live. As a young rock music and guitar enthusiast I enjoyed this performance very much, especially guitarist Billy Duffy's powerful guitar riffs and his use of mouthwatering Gretsch hollowbody electric guitars. In 1992 the band was back at Pinkpop (now in Landgraaf, the town where the festival is organized since 1988 and also the town where I now live) but this time delivered an ill-famed performance leading to the band being banned from future perfomances at the festival. Yesterday, 18 years later and after the ban was lifted, The Cult played the Pinkpop stage once again, now during the festival's Classic edition. This time I didn't go, but a photo in last weeks newspaper announcing the band's return to the festival and showing Billy Duffy in a heroic rock guitarist pose with one of his Gretsches triggered me to do a sketch instead. "Sun King", the title of the opening track from The Cult's 1989 "Sonic Temple" album again showcasing Billy's guitar work, seemed to be an appropriate title for this sketch. Ink pen and watercolour. Schets naar een foto in de krant van The Cult-gitarist Billy Duffy in actie met een van zijn prachtige Gretsch hollowbody elektrische gitaren. The Cult stond dit weekend voor de derde keer op het Pinkpop podium, dit keer in de Classic editie van het festival.


  1. it's really cool to read the background on this artwork. Sounds like it would be really great to watch live!

  2. I'm a blues, soul and jazz singer and artist so, I LOVE THIS ONE!

  3. My guitarist has a guitar that looks like the guitar in the picture
    But my guitarist doesn't look like the guitarist in the picture. What a pity....*LOL*

  4. Thank you for your comments Joeanna! I used to be quite a guitar enthusiast myself and played regularly; lately I spend more time on other kinds of art, like sketching and painting, but I still enjoy good music and beautiful instruments.

